Page 1 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 1 1/12 M1929 16:31 5:19 Peter Mallett 26 M 252 Manchester NH 2 1/38 M3039 18:14 5:52 Patrick Gosselin 38 M 640 Hooksett NH C 3 1/46 F3039 18:18 5:54 Kara Haas 38 F 241 Chelmsford MA 4 2/12 M1929 18:31 5:58 Christopher Pappas 29 M 654 Manchester NH 5 3/12 M1929 19:42 6:21 Grant Klene 28 M 636 Manchester NH 6 2/38 M3039 19:47 6:22 Shawn Gove 31 M 359 Manchester NH 7 1/17 F1929 19:50 6:23 Mary Garrity 26 F 635 Manchester NH 8 3/38 M3039 20:19 6:33 Dave Beaudoin 31 M 181 Manchester NH 9 4/38 M3039 20:40 6:39 Anthony Jordan 30 M 607 Manchester NH 10 5/38 M3039 20:45 6:41 Matt Laberge 39 M 279 Manchester NH 11 6/38 M3039 20:51 6:43 Keath Lewin 32 M 385 Madison SD 12 1/22 M5059 21:04 6:47 Craig Ahlquist 51 M 647 Hooksett NH 13 4/12 M1929 21:19 6:52 Ryan Quinlan 29 M 224 Manchester NH 14 2/17 F1929 21:23 6:53 Kristen King 26 F 625 Lowell MA 15 2/46 F3039 21:33 6:57 Bonnie Cruz 38 F 362 Springfield NH 16 1/42 M4049 21:35 6:57 Mark Morrissette 44 M 648 Auburn NH 17 7/38 M3039 21:35 6:57 Brian Levesque 32 M 360 Manchester NH 18 2/42 M4049 22:00 7:05 George McGrath 47 M 292 Hopkinton NH 19 2/22 M5059 22:18 7:11 Jules Spill 51 M 633 Manchester NH 20 3/42 M4049 22:28 7:14 Gordon Cruz 41 M 363 Springfield NH C 21 1/47 F4049 22:36 7:17 Vickie Kalil 47 F 222 Manchester NH 22 4/42 M4049 22:50 7:21 Timothy King 44 M 312 Manchester NH 23 1/15 M0118 22:52 7:22 Brendan Boyle 17 M 393 Manchester NH 24 2/47 F4049 22:55 7:23 Colleen Gamache 40 F 174 Litchfield NH 25 5/12 M1929 22:56 7:23 Andrew Limbek 23 M 273 Salem NH 26 5/42 M4049 23:12 7:28 Andrew Boyle 49 M 392 Manchester NH 27 6/42 M4049 23:20 7:31 Matthew Colby 47 M 634 Manchester NH 28 7/42 M4049 23:25 7:32 Stuart Gelinas 41 M 282 Manchester NH 29 8/38 M3039 23:28 7:34 Glen Hollingworth 36 M 290 Derry NH 30 3/46 F3039 23:33 7:35 Amy Hollingworth 32 F 289 Derry NH 31 8/42 M4049 23:34 7:35 Patrick Maloy 43 M 201 Strafford NH C 32 9/38 M3039 23:35 7:36 James Connolly 32 M 357 Manchester NH 33 10/38 M3039 23:39 7:37 Todd Pauer 38 M 642 Goffstown NH 34 3/22 M5059 23:45 7:39 Nicholas Marshall 52 M 622 Chester NH 35 11/38 M3039 23:49 7:40 Eric Tallberg 37 M 288 Manchester NH 36 2/15 M0118 23:50 7:41 Kyle Heslin 17 M 183 Hooksett NH 37 3/15 M0118 23:51 7:41 Charlie Biron 14 M 276 Manchester NH 38 9/42 M4049 23:53 7:41 Tom Frederick 43 M 384 Sunapee NH C 39 4/15 M0118 23:56 7:42 Desmond Quirk 16 M 400 Manchester NH 40 10/42 M4049 24:01 7:44 Ernani Domingo 40 M 667 Manchester NH 41 11/42 M4049 24:07 7:46 Jay Evans 46 M 353 Londonderry NH C 42 4/46 F3039 24:08 7:46 Shannon Greene 33 F 389 Manchester NH 43 12/38 M3039 24:09 7:47 Jonathan Reed 36 M 378 Sunapee NH 44 3/47 F4049 24:10 7:47 Kym Harrington 43 F 283 Bedford NH 45 4/47 F4049 24:11 7:47 Pam Triest-Hallahan 48 F 380 Nashua NH 46 4/22 M5059 24:12 7:48 Barry Boisvert 56 M 626 Goffstown NH 47 12/42 M4049 24:13 7:48 Brian Chaput 46 M 339 Manchester NH 48 13/42 M4049 24:17 7:49 Christopher Laberge 42 M 255 Manchester NH 49 1/18 F5059 24:20 7:50 Mary Anne Connolly 50 F 641 50 5/47 F4049 24:25 7:52 Denise Spenard 42 F 217 Manchester NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM Page 2 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 51 6/47 F4049 24:34 7:55 Christine Campanella 44 F 184 Manchester NH 52 2/18 F5059 24:35 7:55 Margaret O'Reilly 51 F 240 Meriden CT 53 13/38 M3039 24:38 7:56 Bill Cote 33 M 658 Manchester NH 54 5/15 M0118 24:41 7:57 Andrew Dahl 11 M 350 Nashua NH 55 5/22 M5059 24:42 7:57 Tom Raffio 52 M 294 Bow NH C 56 14/38 M3039 24:45 7:58 Judd Duclos 35 M 202 Manchester NH C 57 15/38 M3039 24:52 8:00 M.J. Canotas 39 M 245 Manchester NH 58 6/22 M5059 25:01 8:04 Bruce Marshall 50 M 227 Manchester NH C 59 14/42 M4049 25:02 8:04 Dave Provencher 46 M 228 Hooksett NH C 60 16/38 M3039 25:08 8:06 Ryan Grant 33 M 395 Nashua NH 61 1/3 M7099 25:10 8:06 Lennart Svenson 70 M 609 62 17/38 M3039 25:18 8:09 Joe Demers 39 M 361 Litchfield NH 63 18/38 M3039 25:18 8:09 Casey Greene 37 M 388 Manchester NH C 64 15/42 M4049 25:22 8:10 Gene Dempsey 42 M 293 Bedford NH C 65 16/42 M4049 25:32 8:13 David Heslin 49 M 182 Hooksett NH 66 7/22 M5059 25:34 8:14 John Moran 52 M 248 Manchester NH 67 7/47 F4049 25:36 8:15 Marie King 43 F 311 Manchester NH 68 17/42 M4049 25:40 8:16 Dave Johns 44 M 612 North Andover MA 69 1/2 F6069 25:43 8:17 Eleta Klene 60 F 624 Manchester NH 70 5/46 F3039 25:44 8:17 Stacy Sweetser 33 F 234 Amherst NH F 71 6/46 F3039 25:44 8:17 Joanne Rivet 36 F 399 Hooksett NH 72 18/42 M4049 25:48 8:19 David Mara 48 M 274 Manchester NH C 73 8/47 F4049 25:51 8:20 Christine Pariseau-Tel 41 F 649 Manchester NH 74 6/12 M1929 25:53 8:20 Michael Morse 24 M 326 Candia NH 75 9/47 F4049 25:57 8:22 Michelle Evans 42 F 619 Bedford NH 76 3/17 F1929 25:59 8:22 Briley Boisvert 23 F 627 Goffstown NH 77 4/17 F1929 25:59 8:22 Lauren Graham 24 F 664 Manchester NH 78 10/47 F4049 26:00 8:22 Narri Dowd 42 F 256 Goffstown NH 79 19/38 M3039 26:06 8:24 Kevin Delaney 37 M 610 Manchester NH 80 6/15 M0118 26:07 8:25 Howard Sevey 12 M 215 Manchester NH 81 11/47 F4049 26:09 8:25 Lisa O'Brien 42 F 214 Manchester NH 82 20/38 M3039 26:09 8:25 Leonardo Casado 36 M 287 Manchester NH 83 12/47 F4049 26:12 8:26 Sarah Dee 42 F 264 Bedford NH 84 7/46 F3039 26:20 8:29 Jacki McQuillen 31 F 242 Washington DC H 85 8/46 F3039 26:24 8:30 Michelle Lucier 31 F 258 Manchester NH 86 21/38 M3039 26:31 8:32 Robert D'Amaro 35 M 200 Franklin MA 87 7/12 M1929 26:35 8:34 Doug Martin 27 M 177 Manchester NH C 88 22/38 M3039 26:39 8:35 David Soucy 30 M 168 Manchester NH 89 23/38 M3039 26:40 8:35 Aaron Ritter 37 M 662 Franklin NH 90 13/47 F4049 26:42 8:36 Elizabeth Goonan 45 F 206 Manchester NH 91 8/12 M1929 26:45 8:37 John Hebert 26 M 179 Manchester NH 92 19/42 M4049 26:49 8:38 Karl Schoff 46 M 382 Litchfield NH C 93 9/46 F3039 26:55 8:40 Regina Pauer 38 F 643 Goffstown NH 94 3/18 F5059 26:55 8:40 Martha Burns 54 F 235 Nashua NH 95 10/46 F3039 26:57 8:41 Teresa Guay 31 F 397 Weare NH 96 8/22 M5059 26:58 8:41 Paul Sorenson 54 M 621 Manchester NH 97 11/46 F3039 27:01 8:42 B.J. Hurley 37 F 299 Candia NH 98 14/47 F4049 27:08 8:44 Lorraine Tyma 41 F 615 Hooksett NH 99 5/17 F1929 27:09 8:45 Kelly Duchesne 27 F 167 Manchester NH 100 24/38 M3039 27:11 8:45 Joe Mello 33 M 225 Milford NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM Page 3 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 101 25/38 M3039 27:12 8:46 Josh Guay 31 M 396 Weare NH 102 12/46 F3039 27:12 8:46 Karen Lord 33 F 275 Manchester NH 103 26/38 M3039 27:14 8:46 Andrew Vincent 36 M 381 Bedford NH 104 13/46 F3039 27:17 8:47 Erin Mello 33 F 226 Milford NH 105 15/47 F4049 27:17 8:47 Renee Maxwell 41 F 246 Londonderry NH 106 16/47 F4049 27:19 8:48 Jerri Clayton 46 F 614 Manchester NH 107 6/17 F1929 27:20 8:48 Sierra Connell 21 F 637 Hooksett NH 108 20/42 M4049 27:21 8:48 David Lawrence 42 M 351 Deerfield NH 109 21/42 M4049 27:22 8:49 Mike Murray 48 M 270 Merrimack NH 110 22/42 M4049 27:23 8:49 Tim Boisvert 48 M 365 Manchester NH 111 9/22 M5059 27:24 8:50 Mark Burkish 57 M 608 Manchester NH 112 17/47 F4049 27:24 8:50 Vicki Connell 46 F 638 Hooksett NH F 113 18/47 F4049 27:25 8:50 Rachel Therrien 41 F 316 Auburn NH 114 14/46 F3039 27:28 8:51 Denise Doyle 39 F 271 New Boston NH 115 27/38 M3039 27:28 8:51 Brian Doyle 39 M 272 New Boston NH 116 23/42 M4049 27:31 8:52 Nick Dahl 42 M 349 Nashua NH 117 28/38 M3039 27:32 8:52 Scott Sayer 33 M 338 Manchester NH 118 19/47 F4049 27:35 8:53 Karen Kennedy 40 F 244 Goffstown NH 119 24/42 M4049 27:38 8:54 Bill Linehan 45 M 254 Bedford NH 120 20/47 F4049 27:46 8:57 Lisa Deneill 40 F 212 Merrimack NH 121 1/7 F0118 28:00 9:01 Emma Johns 11 F 611 North Andover MA 122 10/22 M5059 28:00 9:01 Ralph Jenkins 52 M 613 Manchester NH 123 15/46 F3039 28:09 9:04 Kristen Kilbreth 35 F 371 New Boston NH 124 11/22 M5059 28:12 9:05 William Kleeman 57 M 220 Hollis NH 125 1/4 M6069 28:12 9:05 Roger Gosslin 69 M 616 Manchester NH 126 12/22 M5059 28:12 9:05 Michael Mandile 50 M 352 Nashua NH 127 16/46 F3039 28:22 9:08 Jill Anderson 30 F 656 Manchester NH 128 25/42 M4049 28:26 9:09 Rick Gamache 40 M 175 Litchfield NH 129 17/46 F3039 28:29 9:10 Katharine Cote 32 F 659 Manchester NH 130 21/47 F4049 28:36 9:13 Janice Kuzlowski 45 F 657 Manchester NH 131 13/22 M5059 28:42 9:15 Chet Kalish 52 M 253 Merrimack NH 132 18/46 F3039 28:45 9:15 Bridget Austin 32 F 306 Greenfield NH 133 4/18 F5059 28:46 9:16 Vanessa Tancrede 50 F 230 Epping NH 134 14/22 M5059 29:01 9:21 Mark Connors 54 M 193 Milford NH 135 29/38 M3039 29:05 9:22 Chris Etares 39 M 660 Manchester NH 136 7/17 F1929 29:11 9:24 Melissa Chandler 29 F 337 Dracut MA 137 2/7 F0118 29:12 9:24 Kate Stordy 9 F 653 Windham NH 138 26/42 M4049 29:13 9:25 David Sturdy 42 M 651 Windham NH 139 19/46 F3039 29:15 9:25 Maureen Konieczny 37 F 629 Bedford NH 140 20/46 F3039 29:20 9:27 Amy Bradley 33 F 308 Manchester NH 141 9/12 M1929 29:23 9:28 Joe Proulx 29 M 185 Hooksett NH 142 27/42 M4049 29:24 9:28 Mike Heaney 45 M 390 Amherst NH 143 8/17 F1929 29:28 9:29 Karin Hess 29 F 186 Manchester NH 144 21/46 F3039 29:29 9:30 Amy Flagg 35 F 328 Manchester NH 145 28/42 M4049 29:39 9:33 John Wermers 47 M 606 Manchester NH 146 22/46 F3039 29:45 9:35 Kristen Reed 35 F 377 Sunapee NH 147 29/42 M4049 29:49 9:36 David Haywood 43 M 318 Waltham MA 148 23/46 F3039 29:49 9:36 Christine Lewis 39 F 372 Goffstown NH 149 24/46 F3039 29:51 9:37 Alyssa McKenzie 36 F 373 Goffstown NH 150 22/47 F4049 29:54 9:38 Mary Slocum 46 F 376 Nashua NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM Page 4 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 151 9/17 F1929 30:00 9:40 Erin Hammond 25 F 180 Manchester NH 152 10/17 F1929 30:03 9:41 Nicole Welper 29 F 344 Manchester NH 153 11/17 F1929 30:06 9:42 Kara McMahon 25 F 221 Manchester NH 154 30/42 M4049 30:08 9:42 Clyde Sdale 45 M 210 Lowell MA C 155 5/18 F5059 30:08 9:42 Luanne Goonan 53 F 340 Dunbarton NH 156 10/12 M1929 30:08 9:42 Brian Rourke 24 M 335 Nashua NH 157 25/46 F3039 30:14 9:44 Michelle Lescatre 38 F 219 Goffstown NH 158 2/4 M6069 30:30 9:49 Armand Auger 61 M 644 Manchester NH 159 15/22 M5059 30:30 9:49 John Podobnik 52 M 300 Greenville NH 160 26/46 F3039 30:31 9:50 Jessica Grant 30 F 394 Nashua NH 161 31/42 M4049 30:36 9:51 Douglas Thibeault 44 M 632 Manchester NH 162 27/46 F3039 30:37 9:52 Cheryl Willnus 33 F 172 Litchfield NH 163 16/22 M5059 30:37 9:52 Donald Doward 54 M 277 Tewksbury MA 164 23/47 F4049 30:38 9:52 Mary Beth Connors 48 F 170 Manchester NH 165 32/42 M4049 30:38 9:52 Kevin Connors 45 M 169 Manchester NH 166 28/46 F3039 30:38 9:52 Victoria Demgard 36 F 368 Manchester NH 167 7/15 M0118 30:41 9:53 Colton Bullard 9 M 231 Strafford NH 168 24/47 F4049 30:44 9:54 Debbie Fortin 42 F 631 Hooksett NH 169 17/22 M5059 30:44 9:54 Richard Eaton 51 M 171 Manchester NH C 170 12/17 F1929 30:45 9:54 Molly Ferriter 24 F 229 Hooksett NH 171 33/42 M4049 30:46 9:54 Michael Wolf 48 M 305 Nashua NH 172 30/38 M3039 30:48 9:55 Jay Maholtz 37 M 233 Strafford NH C 173 29/46 F3039 30:52 9:56 Missy Conolly 32 F 263 Manchester NH 174 30/46 F3039 30:54 9:57 Jennifer Finnegan 37 F 205 Raymond NH 175 2/3 M7099 31:01 9:59 George Tosalli 72 M 249 Manchester NH 176 31/46 F3039 31:02 10:00 Lisa Blais 30 F 280 Manchester NH 177 34/42 M4049 31:02 10:00 Layton Cole 40 M 281 North Hampton NH 178 25/47 F4049 31:10 10:02 Patricia Standring 46 F 334 Litchfield NH 179 13/17 F1929 31:10 10:02 Jill Craig 29 F 176 Pembroke NH 180 32/46 F3039 31:16 10:04 Terri Dizillo 39 F 262 Manchester NH 181 3/7 F0118 31:16 10:04 Isabella Dizillo 10 F 259 Manchester NH 182 31/38 M3039 31:18 10:05 Ajay Koshy 36 M 216 Goffstown NH 183 32/38 M3039 31:21 10:06 Chris Finnegan 37 M 204 Raymond NH 184 1/1 F2029 31:21 10:06 Megan Yaple 28 F 298 Manchester NH 185 33/46 F3039 31:29 10:08 Diane Deslanniers 33 F 669 Manchester NH 186 34/46 F3039 31:40 10:12 Beth Lemek 32 F 668 West Hartford CT 187 35/42 M4049 31:40 10:12 Joe Dizillo 41 M 261 Manchester NH 188 8/15 M0118 31:42 10:12 Domenic Dizillo 8 M 260 Manchester NH 189 36/42 M4049 31:54 10:16 Jack Boyle 40 M 646 Hooksett NH 190 26/47 F4049 31:59 10:18 Judy Pallatroni 49 F 194 Bedford NH 191 18/22 M5059 32:11 10:22 Marc Major 53 M 336 Manchester NH 192 27/47 F4049 32:15 10:23 Lori Trottier 46 F 297 Center Barnstead NH 193 6/18 F5059 32:16 10:23 Cynthia Boisvert 57 F 628 Goffstown NH 194 19/22 M5059 32:17 10:24 John Faggiano 59 M 370 Manchester NH 195 9/15 M0118 32:21 10:25 Thomas Evans 15 M 620 Bedford NH 196 4/7 F0118 32:32 10:29 Madison Lolicata 10 F 379 Manchester NH 197 35/46 F3039 32:32 10:29 Joanne Foust 36 F 267 Nashua NH 198 36/46 F3039 32:33 10:29 Tara Dizillo 31 F 645 Manchester NH 199 37/46 F3039 32:34 10:29 Juli Bullard 38 F 232 Strafford NH 200 7/18 F5059 32:34 10:29 Christine O'Neil 51 F 211 Bedford NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM Page 5 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 201 33/38 M3039 32:35 10:29 Jeff Juneau 36 M 239 Epsom NH 202 28/47 F4049 32:37 10:30 Martina Loughlin Hough 44 F 304 Manchester NH 203 34/38 M3039 32:45 10:33 Mike Toth 39 M 213 Londonderry NH 204 10/15 M0118 32:52 10:35 Patrick Harrington 9 M 284 Bedford NH 205 11/15 M0118 32:55 10:36 Nathaniel Goonan 9 M 207 Manchester NH 206 37/42 M4049 32:57 10:37 Spiro Konstantopoulos 48 M 320 Raymond NH 207 35/38 M3039 32:58 10:37 Steve Willnus 37 M 173 Litchfield NH 208 38/42 M4049 32:58 10:37 Michael Goonan 44 M 203 Manchester NH C 209 29/47 F4049 33:04 10:39 Christine Murray 43 F 313 Old Orchard Beach ME 210 38/46 F3039 33:13 10:42 Kathleen Kennedy 32 F 269 211 36/38 M3039 33:15 10:42 Joel Bergeron 30 M 268 Manchester NH 212 37/38 M3039 33:29 10:47 Dan Gray 37 M 661 Manchester NH 213 3/4 M6069 33:51 10:54 Chuck Cook 65 M 630 Manchester NH 214 39/46 F3039 33:57 10:56 Jen Lupoli 30 F 191 Merrimack NH 215 38/38 M3039 33:57 10:56 Chris Lupoli 31 M 192 Merrimack NH 216 40/46 F3039 34:18 11:03 Molly Corbin 35 F 187 Bedford NH 217 41/46 F3039 34:23 11:04 Kristin Burke 39 F 375 Manchester NH 218 20/22 M5059 34:23 11:04 Brian Stebbins 53 M 374 Londonderry NH 219 30/47 F4049 34:28 11:06 Karen Nault 46 F 303 Bedford NH 220 2/2 F6069 34:56 11:15 Madeleine Larose 65 F 387 Nashua NH 221 14/17 F1929 35:16 11:21 Helen Mason 24 F 247 Hooksett NH 222 31/47 F4049 35:44 11:30 Patty Konstantopoulos 44 F 321 Raymond NH 223 35:49 11:32 Kerri Christopher F 618 Bedford NH 224 11/12 M1929 35:51 11:33 Stephen Hebert 28 M 178 Manchester NH C 225 21/22 M5059 35:55 11:34 Bob Felton 54 M 655 Manchester NH C 226 12/15 M0118 35:56 11:34 Thomas Stordy 12 M 652 Windham NH 227 32/47 F4049 35:56 11:34 Maureen Holland 42 F 295 Chelmsford MA 228 39/42 M4049 35:57 11:35 Jeff Strobel 49 M 639 Nashua NH 229 5/7 F0118 36:14 11:40 Angela Graves 7 F 266 Merrimack NH 230 40/42 M4049 36:14 11:40 John Graves 43 M 265 Merrimack NH 231 42/46 F3039 36:17 11:41 Melissa Gardner 32 F 257 Manchester NH 232 8/18 F5059 36:18 11:41 Paulette Faggiano 50 F 369 Manchester NH 233 33/47 F4049 36:19 11:42 Barb Buckman 42 F 383 Milford NH 234 43/46 F3039 36:49 11:51 Amy Juneau 34 F 238 Epsom NH 235 34/47 F4049 36:59 11:55 Francine Lofgren 46 F 196 Manchester NH F 236 6/7 F0118 37:18 12:01 Jacquelyn Harrington 8 F 285 Bedford NH 237 35/47 F4049 37:19 12:01 Katrina Kennett 43 F 307 Penacook NH 238 15/17 F1929 37:36 12:07 Rebecca Peterson 28 F 296 Manchester NH F 239 36/47 F4049 37:43 12:09 Maria Heaney 44 F 391 Amherst NH 240 37/47 F4049 38:10 12:17 Kara Pintes 43 F 663 Manchester NH 241 41/42 M4049 38:32 12:25 Andy Bosen 47 M 199 Portsmouth NH C 242 38/47 F4049 39:29 12:43 Tamara Rosenberg 40 F 346 Hillsboro NH 243 44/46 F3039 39:29 12:43 Meredith Cook 38 F 286 Manchester NH 244 9/18 F5059 41:09 13:15 Nancy Gale 57 F 665 Manchester NH 245 10/18 F5059 41:25 13:20 Denise Dawson Smith 55 F 223 Raymond NH 246 7/7 F0118 41:59 13:31 Madison Page 12 F 190 Manchester NH 247 13/15 M0118 42:57 13:50 Jack Fitzgerald 8 M 315 Manchester NH 248 39/47 F4049 42:59 13:51 Kathryn Fitzgerald 41 F 314 Manchester NH 249 40/47 F4049 44:56 14:28 Patricia Carty 45 F 236 Manchester NH 250 41/47 F4049 44:59 14:29 Catherine Fenton 45 F 237 East Hampstead NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM Page 6 Wild Rover Pub 20th Half way to Saint Patricks Day Road Race To benefit Manchester Police Athletic League September 26, 2010 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified #NH01012WN) Manchester, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services Send corrections to bill(at) =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 251 42/47 F4049 45:00 14:29 Lisa Werner 46 F 364 Bedford NH 252 11/18 F5059 46:23 14:56 Linda Madden 58 F 332 Nashua NH 253 43/47 F4049 47:08 15:11 Joan Doward 42 F 354 Manchester NH 254 44/47 F4049 47:15 15:13 Jen Parkinson 40 F 309 Hudson NH 255 14/15 M0118 47:16 15:13 Bennett Parkinson 11 M 310 Hudson NH 256 12/18 F5059 48:21 15:34 Nora Marinelli 55 F 650 New Bedford MA 257 16/17 F1929 48:47 15:43 Emily Burns 24 F 291 Bedford NH 258 3/3 M7099 48:57 15:46 Donald Lamere 74 M 623 Merrimack NH 259 13/18 F5059 49:34 15:58 Elizabeth Winger 56 F 342 Londonderry NH 260 45/47 F4049 49:34 15:58 Kimberley Rybczyk 45 F 345 Manchester NH 261 14/18 F5059 49:42 16:00 Robin Ayotte 52 F 198 Manchester NH F 262 15/18 F5059 49:43 16:00 Janet Siopis 55 F 197 Manchester NH F 263 42/42 M4049 49:56 16:05 Joe Hingst 45 M 358 Manchester NH 264 22/22 M5059 52:21 16:51 Robert Hillis 54 M 324 Sanbornville NH 265 16/18 F5059 52:22 16:52 Stephanie Hillis 55 F 323 Sanbornville NH 266 4/4 M6069 53:21 17:11 James Kress 60 M 355 Manchester NH 267 45/46 F3039 53:24 17:11 Donna Grant 35 F 347 Manchester NH 268 46/46 F3039 53:25 17:12 Julie Papp 38 F 319 Waltham MA 269 46/47 F4049 53:56 17:22 Mary-Jo Boisvert 48 F 366 Manchester NH 270 17/18 F5059 53:57 17:22 Vicki Kress 55 F 343 Manchester NH F 271 47/47 F4049 55:47 17:58 Christine Page 40 F 188 Manchester NH 272 15/15 M0118 55:48 17:58 Connor Page 9 M 189 Manchester NH 273 18/18 F5059 1:03:43 20:31 Thea Doward 53 F 278 Tewksbury MA 274 17/17 F1929 1:03:45 20:31 Amanda Doward 28 F 209 Manchester NH 275 12/12 M1929 1:03:46 20:32 Chris Doward 28 M 208 Manchester NH 11/29/2020 9:29AM