Page 1 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 1 1/81 M1964 16:05 5:11 Robert Levey 36 M 778 Somersworth NH 2 2/81 M1964 17:11 5:32 Furgus Cullen 39 M 927 Dover NH 3 1/13 M1318 17:13 5:33 Hayden Patterson 16 M 851 Dover NH 4 3/81 M1964 17:50 5:45 Jasmin Lepir 35 M 821 Portsmouth NH 5 4/81 M1964 18:02 5:49 Erik Travis 27 M 592 Lee NH 6 5/81 M1964 18:28 5:57 Kevin St. Laurent 23 M 854 Newmarket NH 7 1/378 F1964 19:25 6:15 Sarah Gnirk 31 F 512 Berwick ME 8 6/81 M1964 19:36 6:19 Matthew Tilbury 46 M 811 Kittery Point ME 9 2/378 F1964 20:08 6:29 Peggy Niland 47 F 799 South Berwick ME 10 2/13 M1318 20:23 6:34 Matthew Fauci 18 M 561 Somersworth NH 11 7/81 M1964 20:33 6:37 Zachary Whitehouse 23 M 300 Exeter NH 12 3/378 F1964 20:56 6:45 Laura Towle 45 F 878 Dover NH 13 8/81 M1964 21:08 6:48 Ian Kish 21 M 791 Dover NH 14 9/81 M1964 21:11 6:50 Jeremy Saunders 30 M 360 Rochester NH 15 21:24 6:54 Vaughn Roy M 882 Dover NH 16 1/61 M0112 21:32 6:56 Stephen Geuther 10 M 618 Dover NH 17 2/61 M0112 21:36 6:57 Gustave Levey 10 M 626 Somersworth NH 18 4/378 F1964 21:43 7:00 Sara West 39 F 499 Dover NH 19 10/81 M1964 21:48 7:01 Matthew Packard 28 M 844 Rochester NH 20 11/81 M1964 21:50 7:02 Evan Richardson 40 M 322 Dover NH 21 3/13 M1318 22:05 7:07 Brian Eldridge 15 M 620 Dover NH 22 12/81 M1964 22:15 7:10 Ian Watters 38 M 910 Dover NH 23 5/378 F1964 22:18 7:11 Maryann MacNeil 50 F 803 West Newbury MA 24 4/13 M1318 22:22 7:12 Sam Bovee 15 M 627 Dover NH 25 5/13 M1318 22:22 7:12 Dillon Pattersen 14 M 871 Dover NH 26 6/378 F1964 22:28 7:14 Joy Koblenzer 43 F 758 Dover NH 27 1/78 F0112 22:39 7:18 Ahna McCusker 11 F 687 Dover NH 28 7/378 F1964 22:42 7:19 Emily Tucci 28 F 342 North Berwick ME 29 8/378 F1964 22:47 7:20 Andrea McCusker 35 F 686 Dover NH 30 9/378 F1964 22:47 7:20 Jennifer Sprague 37 F 575 Dover NH 31 6/13 M1318 22:50 7:21 Garrett Lang 14 M 699 Rochester NH 32 10/378 F1964 22:58 7:24 Abigail Anderson 33 F 484 Dover NH 33 11/378 F1964 23:10 7:28 Sabrina Payeur 35 F 411 Dover NH 34 1/20 F1318 23:18 7:30 Rachael Colbath 17 F 344 Gilford NH 35 13/81 M1964 23:21 7:31 Bjorn Anderson 34 M 485 Dover NH 36 12/378 F1964 23:23 7:32 Karen Lemaire 29 F 875 Bridgewater MA 37 14/81 M1964 23:28 7:33 Matthew Boc 32 M 406 Dover NH 38 2/20 F1318 23:47 7:40 Haley Markos 13 F 225 Dover NH 39 15/81 M1964 23:50 7:41 John Tasker 39 M 716 Dover NH 40 7/13 M1318 23:59 7:44 Alex Fitzgerald 14 M 548 Lebanon ME 41 3/61 M0112 24:00 7:44 Sean O'Doherty 10 M 908 Dover NH 42 2/78 F0112 24:00 7:44 Peyton Aubin 11 F 895 Dover NH 43 13/378 F1964 24:13 7:48 Nicole Benson 36 F 644 Newmarket NH 44 16/81 M1964 24:20 7:50 Brad Winn 26 M 806 Somersworth NH 45 4/61 M0112 24:21 7:50 Brendan Wilson 11 M 656 Dover NH 46 3/78 F0112 24:23 7:51 Emma Whall 11 F 558 Dover NH 47 17/81 M1964 24:23 7:51 William Curtis 33 M 587 Exeter NH 48 5/61 M0112 24:26 7:52 Nick Garrep 9 M 777 Rollinsford NH 49 14/378 F1964 24:31 7:54 Mariah Greenhalgh 36 F 588 Exeter NH 50 15/378 F1964 24:33 7:54 Kelly O'Brien 27 F 898 Lee NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 2 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 51 16/378 F1964 24:36 7:55 Karyn Sylvia 31 F 257 Dover NH 52 17/378 F1964 24:39* 7:56 Brenda Harrington 60 F 337 Rochester NH 53 18/378 F1964 24:40 7:57 Meg Cormier 31 F 872 Milton NH 54 18/81 M1964 24:45 7:58 Jim Goucher 52 M 549 Lebanon NH 55 19/378 F1964 24:45 7:58 Judi Lemaire 59 F 877 Wolfeboro NH 56 8/13 M1318 24:58 8:03 Benjamin Weaver 18 M 823 South Berwick ME 57 9/13 M1318 25:17 8:09 Christopher Parks 16 M 759 Dover NH 58 6/61 M0112 25:25 8:11 Adrian Sutton 9 M 667 Rochester NH 59 7/61 M0112 25:26 8:11 Zachary Masse 11 M 923 Berwick ME 60 20/378 F1964 25:28 8:12 Finola Cox 40 F 279 Dover NH 61 21/378 F1964 25:35 8:14 Catherine Watters 38 F 909 Dover NH 62 22/378 F1964 25:36 8:15 Janice Watson 38 F 272 Farmington NH 63 23/378 F1964 25:42 8:17 Danielle Amero 40 F 678 Somersworth NH 64 8/61 M0112 25:43 8:17 Cade Baussmann 11 M 233 Dover NH 65 24/378 F1964 25:43 8:17 Pamela Simoneau 35 F 830 Chester NH 66 25/378 F1964 25:46 8:18 Carolyn Schwartz 31 F 929 Dover NH 67 19/81 M1964 25:55 8:21 Matthew Travaglini 29 M 756 Dover NH 68 26/378 F1964 25:55 8:21 Shauna Travaglini 28 F 757 Dover NH 69 27/378 F1964 25:58 8:22 Hannah Lally 26 F 890 Dover NH 70 9/61 M0112 26:01 8:23 Kyle Ball 12 M 797 Exeter NH 71 20/81 M1964 26:01 8:23 Steven McCusker 49 M 685 Dover NH 72 10/61 M0112 26:01 8:23 Luke McCusker 9 M 688 Dover NH 73 28/378 F1964 26:15 8:27 Kendall Menard 42 F 536 Dover NH 74 11/61 M0112 26:15 8:27 Jeremy Lang 12 M 808 Rochester NH 75 29/378 F1964 26:25 8:31 Shannon Masse 31 F 924 Berwick ME 76 30/378 F1964 26:32 8:33 Jennifer Hilton 34 F 744 Newfields NH 77 31/378 F1964 26:40 8:35 Darlene Grevich 43 F 562 Somersworth NH 78 12/61 M0112 26:40 8:35 Brady McMillion 12 M 755 Dover NH 79 32/378 F1964 26:42 8:36 Jennifer Ball 37 F 796 Exeter NH 80 33/378 F1964 26:45 8:37 Joan Smith 46 F 528 Dover NH 81 34/378 F1964 26:47 8:38 Amy Maness 42 F 604 Newington NH 82 35/378 F1964 26:49 8:38 Kerri Ford 39 F 381 Andover MA 83 21/81 M1964 26:50 8:39 Tim Ford 43 M 382 Andover MA 84 36/378 F1964 26:52 8:39 Beth Connolly 29 F 554 Manchester NH 85 13/61 M0112 27:08 8:44 Lucas Durfey 11 M 393 Rochester NH 86 22/81 M1964 27:16 8:47 Robert Memmolo 38 M 441 Barrington NH 87 37/378 F1964 27:17 8:47 Jennifer Prentice 41 F 482 Deerfield NH 88 38/378 F1964 27:19 8:48 Katherine Derby 64 F 392 Rochester NH 89 23/81 M1964 27:24 8:50 John Bressoud 54 M 879 Dover NH 90 39/378 F1964 27:27 8:51 Melissa Wallace 36 F 332 Manchester NH 91 24/81 M1964 27:29 8:51 Clyde Mitchell 56 M 594 Dover NH 92 40/378 F1964 27:32 8:52 Lauren Adler 29 F 641 Dover NH 93 3/20 F1318 27:38 8:54 Taylor Grijalva 15 F 607 Stratham NH 94 25/81 M1964 27:38 8:54 Dave Bovee 53 M 500 Dover NH 95 41/378 F1964 27:49 8:58 Alexis Roberson 34 F 433 Rochester NH 96 26/81 M1964 27:49 8:58 Jason Gionet 35 M 736 Dover NH 97 27/81 M1964 27:49 8:58 Mat Roberson 36 M 432 Rochester NH 98 42/378 F1964 27:51 8:58 Michelle Buckley 37 F 576 Madbury NH 99 43/378 F1964 27:54 8:59 Kylie Goodwin 32 F 496 Dover NH 100 44/378 F1964 27:55 8:59 Ashlee Goodwin 27 F 493 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM * Under USATF Age-Group guideline Page 3 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 101 45/378 F1964 28:00 9:01 Judy Walsworth 31 F 309 Somersworth NH 102 10/13 M1318 28:00 9:01 Zach Bayeh 14 M 810 Hampstead NH 103 28/81 M1964 28:11 9:05 Rob Fogg 41 M 331 Manchester NH 104 46/378 F1964 28:14 9:05 Sandra Ho 41 F 266 Dover NH 105 47/378 F1964 28:19 9:07 Jennifer Lemaire 31 F 874 Stow MA 106 48/378 F1964 28:22 9:08 Michelle Baussmann 41 F 232 Dover NH 107 49/378 F1964 28:23 9:08 Hana Bartos 47 F 706 Durham NH 108 50/378 F1964 28:24 9:09 Jane Oconnor 58 F 410 Dover NH 109 29/81 M1964 28:24 9:09 Radim Bartos 47 M 707 Durham NH 110 51/378 F1964 28:26 9:09 Meg Fenderson 44 F 210 Portsmouth NH 111 52/378 F1964 28:29 9:10 Terry Roberts 53 F 555 Belmont NH 112 14/61 M0112 28:31 9:11 Nathan Kurr 11 M 639 Dover NH 113 15/61 M0112 28:35 9:12 Ryan Grijalva 9 M 676 Stratham NH 114 53/378 F1964 28:37 9:13 Betsy Breen 33 F 585 Dover NH 115 54/378 F1964 28:42 9:14 Kathleen Egan 46 F 544 Rochester NH 116 16/61 M0112 28:43 9:15 Alex Beaulieu 10 M 831 Chester NH 117 55/378 F1964 28:45 9:16 Dee Whall 41 F 557 Dover NH 118 56/378 F1964 28:46 9:16 Katie Buckley 29 F 295 Cambridge MA 119 57/378 F1964 28:46 9:16 Dana Gray 33 F 376 Dover NH 120 58/378 F1964 28:48 9:17 Hannah Baldwin 27 F 286 Durham NH 121 59/378 F1964 28:50 9:17 Paula Nelson 42 F 273 Rye NH 122 60/378 F1964 28:51 9:17 Lee Parks 39 F 304 Dover NH 123 61/378 F1964 28:51 9:18 Jennifer Pavlik 39 F 577 Durham NH 124 62/378 F1964 28:51 9:18 Wendy Brooks 44 F 601 Durham NH 125 63/378 F1964 28:55 9:19 Shelley King 33 F 513 Rochester NH 126 64/378 F1964 28:57 9:19 Jessica Moore 30 F 494 Rochester NH 127 30/81 M1964 28:59 9:20 Dan Sousa 40 M 632 Barrington NH 128 65/378 F1964 29:00 9:20 Valerie McNally 43 F 356 Dover NH 129 66/378 F1964 29:00 9:20 Kathryn Johnston 39 F 502 Dover NH 130 31/81 M1964 29:06 9:22 Daniel Wilson 41 M 655 Dover NH 131 67/378 F1964 29:06 9:22 Allison Montecalvo 34 F 670 Dover NH 132 32/81 M1964 29:07 9:23 Ryan Montecalvo 33 M 671 Dover NH 133 1/6 M6599 29:08 9:23 Walter Shyska 65 M 521 Dover NH 134 68/378 F1964 29:08 9:23 Dee Kinsman 37 F 809 Dover NH 135 69/378 F1964 29:12 9:24 Nancy Michaud 41 F 461 Somersworth NH 136 70/378 F1964 29:20 9:27 Beth Manzi 40 F 899 Rochester NH 137 71/378 F1964 29:33 9:31 Monica Pessina 44 F 741 West Newbury MA 138 72/378 F1964 29:36 9:32 Mary Beth Weaver 48 F 822 South Berwick ME 139 33/81 M1964 29:37 9:32 Ed Clifford 45 M 345 Raymond NH 140 73/378 F1964 29:37 9:32 Danae Bryar 50 F 343 Gilford NH 141 74/378 F1964 29:37 9:32 Mary-Margaret Cahoon 52 F 316 Dover NH 142 4/20 F1318 29:37 9:32 Mallorie Cahoon 18 F 317 Dover NH 143 75/378 F1964 29:42 9:34 Joetta Berry 40 F 292 Somersworth NH 144 76/378 F1964 29:42 9:34 Melissa Gianino 34 F 645 Madbury NH 145 77/378 F1964 29:43 9:34 Rochelle Yastek 44 F 492 Barrington NH 146 78/378 F1964 29:44 9:35 Lauren Brown 27 F 241 Boston MA 147 79/378 F1964 29:48 9:36 Amy McEnaney 38 F 522 Madbury NH 148 80/378 F1964 29:48 9:36 Helen Holmes 38 F 885 Madbury NH 149 81/378 F1964 29:51 9:37 Christine Sieks 41 F 665 Dover NH 150 82/378 F1964 29:51 9:37 Sarah Rafferty 36 F 841 South Berwick ME 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 4 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 151 83/378 F1964 29:54 9:38 Karen Dawson 47 F 570 Portsmouth NH 152 84/378 F1964 29:54 9:38 Sherri Vandenbussche 48 F 275 Dover NH 153 85/378 F1964 29:59 9:39 Rebecca Rubeor 45 F 520 Dover NH 154 86/378 F1964 30:00 9:40 Kelly Marshall 39 F 805 Dover NH 155 17/61 M0112 30:02 9:40 Duncan Levey 9 M 313 Dover NH 156 87/378 F1964 30:04 9:41 Amy Caro 38 F 609 Dover NH 157 34/81 M1964 30:04 9:41 Ben Larkin 45 M 863 Dover NH 158 4/78 F0112 30:04 9:41 Sydney Caro 9 F 610 Dover NH 159 18/61 M0112 30:04 9:41 Ethan Desmarais 9 M 855 Chester NH 160 35/81 M1964 30:05 9:41 Gregory Desmarais 39 M 850 Chester NH 161 88/378 F1964 30:09 9:43 Lori Wiswell 47 F 453 Newmarket NH 162 89/378 F1964 30:13 9:44 Beverly Whitehouse 50 F 299 Exeter NH 163 90/378 F1964 30:15 9:44 Deedra Benson 45 F 383 Dover NH 164 91/378 F1964 30:20 9:46 Melissa Raffoni 46 F 869 Rye Beach NH 165 92/378 F1964 30:21 9:46 Megan Dellorusso 34 F 416 Dover NH 166 93/378 F1964 30:22 9:47 Janelle Nicolo 30 F 897 Beverly MA 167 94/378 F1964 30:25 9:48 Hope Perreault 41 F 349 East Kingston NH 168 95/378 F1964 30:26 9:48 Talia Arsenault 30 F 700 Middleton NH 169 96/378 F1964 30:27 9:48 Kelli Plante 34 F 445 Berwick ME 170 97/378 F1964 30:32 9:50 Camie Poplawski 39 F 804 Lee NH 171 5/78 F0112 30:35 9:51 Abigail Barker 11 F 684 Barrington NH 172 19/61 M0112 30:36 9:51 Chandler Sutton 8 M 668 Rochester NH 173 98/378 F1964 30:38 9:52 Valerie Sawyer 41 F 418 Dover NH 174 20/61 M0112 30:39 9:52 Garrett Keslar 9 M 864 Durham NH 175 21/61 M0112 30:40 9:53 Noah Kurr 7 M 640 Dover NH 176 6/78 F0112 30:43 9:54 Clair Carroll 10 F 616 Dover NH 177 99/378 F1964 30:47 9:55 Patrycia Barnard 55 F 423 Dover NH 178 36/81 M1964 30:47 9:55 Dennis Patterson 40 M 889 Dover NH 179 100/378 F1964 30:52 9:57 Annjanette Conway 39 F 663 Newmarket NH 180 101/378 F1964 30:54 9:57 Angela Eide 41 F 350 Stratham NH 181 7/78 F0112 30:58 9:58 Olivia Smith 12 F 244 Dover NH 182 102/378 F1964 30:59 9:59 Jo-Ellen Blake 46 F 243 Dover NH 183 8/78 F0112 31:00 9:59 Colleen Mahoney 11 F 228 Dover NH 184 103/378 F1964 31:13 10:03 Valerie Simpson 33 F 323 Londonderry NH 185 37/81 M1964 31:13 10:03 Peter Simpson 60 M 324 Londonderry NH 186 104/378 F1964 31:19 10:05 Amy Flagg 37 F 440 Manchester NH 187 22/61 M0112 31:21 10:06 Aidan Knowles 8 M 370 Dover NH 188 11/13 M1318 31:24 10:07 Elijah Norton 13 M 546 Berwick ME 189 105/378 F1964 31:25 10:07 Meredith Kraft 32 F 340 Dover NH 190 106/378 F1964 31:28 10:08 Stephanie Pratt 39 F 817 Lee NH 191 9/78 F0112 31:28 10:08 Mary Charlotte Scott 3 F 779 Rochester NH 192 107/378 F1964 31:28 10:08 Pamela Dumont 45 F 597 Rochester NH 193 10/78 F0112 31:31 10:09 Emma Desmarais 11 F 853 Chester NH 194 108/378 F1964 31:31 10:09 Maura Desmarais 41 F 852 Chester NH 195 11/78 F0112 31:31 10:09 Jackie Kovalcin 10 F 800 Rollinsford NH 196 38/81 M1964 31:31 10:09 Al Poirier 35 M 377 Dover NH 197 109/378 F1964 31:32 10:09 Nicole Perkins 39 F 498 Dover NH 198 110/378 F1964 31:36 10:11 Jennifer Momigan 33 F 840 Dover NH 199 111/378 F1964 31:38 10:11 Tara Marie Fournier 27 F 834 Dover NH 200 112/378 F1964 31:43 10:13 Felice Higgins 52 F 473 Rochester NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 5 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 201 39/81 M1964 31:48 10:15 Roy Roberts 51 M 556 Belmont NH 202 12/13 M1318 31:51 10:15 Michael Bridges 14 M 547 Lebanon ME 203 113/378 F1964 31:54 10:16 Lynn Brown 46 F 884 Rochester NH 204 114/378 F1964 31:55 10:17 Lynn Thomas 40 F 446 Portsmouth NH 205 115/378 F1964 32:04 10:20 Lynn Lambert 43 F 664 Rochester NH 206 116/378 F1964 32:19 10:24 Wendy Blake 43 F 226 Dover NH 207 40/81 M1964 32:22 10:26 Robbie Grijalva 45 M 675 Stratham NH 208 23/61 M0112 32:24 10:26 Ben Sousa 7 M 633 Barrington NH 209 117/378 F1964 32:24 10:26 Deb Sousa 35 F 631 Barrington NH 210 118/378 F1964 32:25 10:26 Shannon Knowles 38 F 369 Dover NH 211 119/378 F1964 32:26 10:27 Elizabeth St. Cyr 34 F 832 Dover NH 212 2/6 M6599 32:28 10:27 William Dowd 65 M 205 Dover NH 213 120/378 F1964 32:29 10:28 Cristina Barnard 28 F 424 Barrington NH 214 121/378 F1964 32:31 10:28 Jane Durfey 40 F 391 Rochester NH 215 122/378 F1964 32:32 10:29 Gina Pike 57 F 435 Dover NH 216 123/378 F1964 32:36 10:30 Lindsay Houle 21 F 420 Dover NH 217 124/378 F1964 32:36 10:30 Wen Houle 56 F 419 Dover NH 218 41/81 M1964 32:46 10:33 Bill Herrion 53 M 886 Dover NH 219 3/6 M6599 32:47 10:33 Franklin Knowles 65 M 407 Epping NH 220 125/378 F1964 32:47 10:33 Erin Wigmore 36 F 839 Dover NH 221 126/378 F1964 32:55 10:36 Nancy Webster 54 F 646 Durham NH 222 127/378 F1964 32:56 10:36 Jessica Gionet 36 F 533 Dover NH 223 128/378 F1964 33:00 10:37 Amy Filipowicz 31 F 378 Dover NH 224 129/378 F1964 33:04 10:39 Janet Ford 44 F 740 York NH 225 130/378 F1964 33:06 10:40 Jill Cote 25 F 438 Dover NH 226 131/378 F1964 33:08 10:40 Karen Collins 39 F 425 Dover NH 227 12/78 F0112 33:18 10:44 Rhiannon Amero 11 F 679 Somersworth NH 228 132/378 F1964 33:19 10:44 Tami Moore 40 F 429 Dover NH 229 133/378 F1964 33:20 10:44 Karyn Grant 39 F 339 Farmington NH 230 134/378 F1964 33:23 10:45 Marie Haas 46 F 301 Manchester NH 231 42/81 M1964 33:24 10:45 David Macrigeanis 55 M 669 Manchester NH 232 135/378 F1964 33:26 10:46 Tracey Huppe 44 F 567 Brentwood NH 233 136/378 F1964 33:28 10:47 Patricia Kurr 61 F 456 Rockland ME 234 24/61 M0112 33:31* 10:48 Ryder Aubin 5 M 896 Dover NH 235 13/78 F0112 33:34 10:48 Olivia Chagnon 11 F 505 Dover NH 236 137/378 F1964 33:40 10:51 Ruth Gessner 31 F 312 Dover NH 237 138/378 F1964 33:41 10:51 Michelle Morin 30 F 776 Rollinsford NH 238 139/378 F1964 33:42 10:51 Cathryn Conway-Dorr 52 F 483 Berwick ME 239 140/378 F1964 33:43 10:51 Ellen Smith 34 F 495 Somersworth NH 240 141/378 F1964 33:48 10:53 Jennifer Tracey 36 F 262 Dover NH 241 25/61 M0112 33:50 10:54 David Williams 7 M 470 Dover NH 242 5/20 F1318 33:50 10:54 Taylor Burnett 13 F 786 Rollinsford NH 243 43/81 M1964 33:50 10:54 Thomas Williams 43 M 753 Dover NH 244 26/61 M0112 33:50 10:54 Samuel Maroni 6 M 730 Dover NH 245 142/378 F1964 33:53 10:55 Mariellen Howard 29 F 468 Sanbornville NH 246 44/81 M1964 33:59 10:57 Chris Olsen 45 M 843 Barrington RI 247 14/78 F0112 34:00 10:57 Jayde Grevich 12 F 564 Somersworth NH 248 143/378 F1964 34:01 10:57 Traci Aubin 38 F 894 Dover NH 249 144/378 F1964 34:03 10:58 Jennifer Krans 33 F 246 Dover NH 250 45/81 M1964 34:03 10:58 Allan Krans 29 M 873 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM * Under USATF Age-Group guideline Page 6 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 251 145/378 F1964 34:08 10:59 Katy Crockett 28 F 428 Milton NH 252 146/378 F1964 34:13 11:01 Marissa Deangelis 33 F 221 Sanbornville NH 253 147/378 F1964 34:42 11:10 Amanda Jobin 37 F 683 Barrington NH 254 46/81 M1964 34:44 11:11 Andrew Fraser 28 M 358 Dover NH 255 148/378 F1964 34:46 11:12 Camille Burns 31 F 838 Penacook NH 256 15/78 F0112 34:46 11:12 Erin Nash 12 F 368 Dover NH 257 149/378 F1964 34:48 11:12 Margaret Maroni 41 F 729 Dover NH 258 150/378 F1964 35:05 11:18 Joanne Thomas 57 F 900 Dover NH 259 151/378 F1964 35:11 11:20 Lauren Davis 28 F 532 Rochester NH 260 152/378 F1964 35:13 11:20 Carole Soule 37 F 351 Dover NH 261 153/378 F1964 35:21 11:23 Tammy Fauci 36 F 559 Somerswoth NH 262 154/378 F1964 35:23 11:24 Tammy Vigliotti 36 F 480 Kittery ME 263 155/378 F1964 35:23 11:24 Michelle Dalton 30 F 315 Dover NH 264 27/61 M0112 35:26 11:25 Aidan Mahoney 8 M 229 Dover NH 265 156/378 F1964 35:30 11:26 Sara Lussier 31 F 820 Rochester NH 266 16/78 F0112 35:30 11:26 Dehlia Lussier 7 F 818 Rochester NH 267 35:30 11:26 Nolan Lussiel 883 Rochester NH 268 47/81 M1964 35:30 11:26 Randy Lussier 31 M 819 Rochester NH 269 28/61 M0112 35:32 11:27 Kurtis Morton 11 M 861 Berwick ME 270 17/78 F0112 35:37 11:28 Bailey Grijalva 12 F 606 Stratham NH 271 157/378 F1964 35:38 11:28 Lisa Nicholson 36 F 213 Dover NH 272 158/378 F1964 35:39 11:29 Amy Garland 36 F 214 Rochester NH 273 18/78 F0112 35:45 11:31 Anise Study 8 F 486 North Berwick ME 274 159/378 F1964 35:45 11:31 Alana Dubaniewcz 30 F 487 North Berwick ME 275 6/20 F1318 35:51 11:33 Kariann Venable 15 F 695 Dover NH 276 160/378 F1964 35:53 11:33 Alison Freeman 22 F 691 Dover NH 277 161/378 F1964 35:59 11:35 Terri Grijalva 40 F 605 Stratham NH 278 162/378 F1964 36:08 11:38 Deborah Wheeler 46 F 519 Nottingham NH 279 163/378 F1964 36:08 11:38 Jacquie Mosher 25 F 674 Exeter NH 280 164/378 F1964 36:08 11:38 Amy Hodgson 51 F 289 Somersworth NH 281 165/378 F1964 36:09 11:38 Laurie Gowen 40 F 666 Lee NH 282 166/378 F1964 36:14 11:40 Vicki Parshley 55 F 264 Farmington NH 283 48/81 M1964 36:31 11:45 Christopher Carey 41 M 914 Dover NH 284 167/378 F1964 36:31 11:46 Michelle Carey 38 F 915 Dover NH 285 19/78 F0112 36:32* 11:46 Isabella Carey 5 F 912 Dover NH 286 168/378 F1964 36:34 11:47 Shauna Turnbull 44 F 223 Andover NH 287 29/61 M0112 36:37 11:47 Aaron Hoag 8 M 847 Dover NH 288 20/78 F0112 36:37 11:48 Holly Hoag 11 F 849 Dover NH 289 49/81 M1964 36:37 11:48 Jotham Hoag 45 M 845 Dover NH 290 21/78 F0112 36:38 11:48 Carly Hoag 10 F 846 Dover NH 291 169/378 F1964 36:44 11:50 Jennifer O'Doherty 40 F 907 Dover NH 292 22/78 F0112 36:44 11:50 Meaghan O'Doherty 9 F 906 Dover NH 293 170/378 F1964 36:46 11:50 Evonne Kill-Kish 48 F 259 Dover NH 294 50/81 M1964 36:47 11:51 William Kish 47 M 260 Dover NH 295 23/78 F0112 36:47 11:51 Belle Giguere 9 F 431 Dover NH 296 171/378 F1964 36:47 11:51 Alissa Cooley 23 F 865 Dover NH 297 172/378 F1964 36:47 11:51 Cynthia Bressoud 57 F 288 Dover NH 298 173/378 F1964 36:51 11:52 Ann Carlton 59 F 375 Portsmouth NH 299 51/81 M1964 36:51 11:52 Stephen Giguere 50 M 430 Dover NH 300 174/378 F1964 36:53 11:53 Tammy Trepanier 39 F 338 Rochester NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM * Under USATF Age-Group guideline Page 7 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 301 175/378 F1964 36:55 11:53 Kacie Burd 36 F 763 South Berwick ME 302 176/378 F1964 36:57 11:54 Brenda Niland 56 F 211 Rochester NH 303 52/81 M1964 36:58 11:54 Kris Cook 37 M 661 Dover NH 304 177/378 F1964 36:59 11:54 Katherine Cook 39 F 660 Dover NH 305 178/378 F1964 37:00 11:55 Cathy Garland 38 F 271 New Durham NH 306 179/378 F1964 37:04 11:56 Susan Burd 59 F 762 Dover NH 307 53/81 M1964 37:06 11:57 Christopher Blake 35 M 754 Dover NH 308 7/20 F1318 37:09 11:58 Emily Spicer 16 F 794 Dover NH 309 180/378 F1964 37:09 11:58 Tina Spicer 42 F 426 Rochester NH 310 8/20 F1318 37:12 11:59 Briana D'Amore 14 F 694 Dover NH 311 54/81 M1964 37:13 11:59 Warren Bayek 49 M 401 Hampstead NH 312 181/378 F1964 37:13 11:59 Wendy Bayek 43 F 402 Plaistow NH 313 182/378 F1964 37:29 12:04 Christine Fuller 31 F 389 Union NH 314 24/78 F0112 37:29 12:04 Alison Menard 12 F 538 Dover NH 315 25/78 F0112 37:32 12:05 Caroline Hanna 8 F 733 Dover NH 316 183/378 F1964 37:32 12:05 Jessica Jordan 34 F 346 Kittery ME 317 26/78 F0112 37:34 12:06 Emilia Willett 9 F 769 Dover NH 318 55/81 M1964 37:34 12:06 David Hanna 42 M 732 Dover NH 319 184/378 F1964 37:37 12:07 Chris Gibbons 40 F 650 Dover NH 320 27/78 F0112 37:40 12:08 Brianna Rash 12 F 573 Berwick ME 321 185/378 F1964 37:45 12:09 Karen Memmolo 43 F 274 Barrington NH 322 186/378 F1964 37:48 12:10 Rebecca Cain 37 F 290 Nottingham NH 323 187/378 F1964 37:48 12:10 Susan Cain 32 F 255 Dover NH 324 28/78 F0112 37:53 12:12 Abigail Burnett 10 F 836 Rollinsford NH 325 188/378 F1964 37:56 12:13 Patti Fousek 40 F 261 South Berwick ME 326 29/78 F0112 38:02 12:15 Julia Drake 6 F 902 327 189/378 F1964 38:03 12:15 Judi Drake 40 F 905 328 56/81 M1964 38:03 12:15 Doug Drake 41 M 904 329 30/61 M0112 38:03 12:15 Sam Drake 4 M 903 330 190/378 F1964 38:10 12:18 Koren Stuart 31 F 218 Lebanon ME 331 30/78 F0112 38:12 12:18 Bryn Lauer 10 F 880 Durham NH 332 191/378 F1964 38:15 12:19 Beverly Lauer 44 F 881 Durham NH 333 192/378 F1964 38:17 12:20 Rachel Engelman 26 F 459 Dover NH 334 31/78 F0112 38:17 12:20 Olivia McCarthy 9 F 297 Dover NH 335 193/378 F1964 38:17 12:20 Jennifer McCarthy 37 F 296 Dover NH 336 32/78 F0112 38:25 12:22 Alysha Fauci 12 F 560 Somersworth NH 337 9/20 F1318 38:32 12:25 Jordyn Grevich 14 F 563 Somersworth NH 338 194/378 F1964 38:38 12:27 Novemba Stranc 30 F 460 Dover NH 339 195/378 F1964 38:49 12:30 Beth Deroy 47 F 731 Berwic ME 340 196/378 F1964 38:57 12:33 Kelly Rees 30 F 217 Somersworth NH 341 10/20 F1318 38:58 12:33 Alexa Wilson 15 F 718 Pelham NH 342 197/378 F1964 38:58 12:33 Stacey Brown 33 F 319 Somersworth NH 343 198/378 F1964 39:00 12:33 Ashley Shorb 28 F 734 Derry NH 344 199/378 F1964 39:08 12:36 Debra Michaud 46 F 701 Lebanon ME 345 200/378 F1964 39:09 12:36 Sandy Breton 43 F 422 Rochester NH 346 201/378 F1964 39:09 12:36 Amy Locke 37 F 870 Berwick ME 347 31/61 M0112 39:18 12:39 Sam Pnchak 10 M 790 North Berwick ME 348 202/378 F1964 39:19 12:40 Danielle Chandler 27 F 384 Dover NH 349 57/81 M1964 39:19 12:40 Joshua Cole 32 M 442 Dover NH 350 33/78 F0112 39:25 12:41 Celia Fogarty 9 F 527 Barrington NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 8 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 351 32/61 M0112 39:27 12:42 Andrew Marcus 9 M 220 Somersworth NH 352 203/378 F1964 39:36 12:45 Charlene Chandler 49 F 385 Dover NH 353 34/78 F0112 39:39 12:46 Lauren Sanger 10 F 860 Berwick ME 354 35/78 F0112 39:44 12:48 Olivia Carey 11 F 911 Dover NH 355 33/61 M0112 39:45 12:48 Jacob Carey 9 M 913 Dover NH 356 39:45 12:48 Sydney Evans 13 901 Rochester NH 357 204/378 F1964 39:46 12:48 Elena Morton 29 F 859 Berwick ME 358 39:48 12:49 Benjamin Williams M 471 Dover NH 359 205/378 F1964 39:49 12:49 Carolyn Williams 40 F 469 Dover NH 360 206/378 F1964 39:50 12:49 Bonnie Chretien 63 F 649 Barrington NH 361 207/378 F1964 39:58 12:52 Nicole Moylan 36 F 421 South Berwick ME 362 208/378 F1964 40:01 12:53 Jennifer Cullen 38 F 928 Dover NH 363 209/378 F1964 40:01 12:53 Jane Perry 38 F 920 Dover NH 364 210/378 F1964 40:01 12:53 Heather Conder-Johnson 37 F 921 Dover NH 365 211/378 F1964 40:03 12:54 Renee Wilson 40 F 654 Dover NH 366 212/378 F1964 40:10 12:56 Kris Geuther 47 F 617 Dover NH 367 213/378 F1964 40:12 12:57 Rachel Packard 29 F 481 Rochester NH 368 58/81 M1964 40:18 12:59 James Brown 56 M 242 Dover NH 369 214/378 F1964 40:22 13:00 Robin Kovalcin 47 F 802 Rollinsford NH 370 215/378 F1964 40:29 13:02 Patty Menard 40 F 537 371 36/78 F0112 40:29 13:02 Elizabeth Menard 9 F 876 372 34/61 M0112 40:30 13:03 Owen Richardson 8 M 204 Dover NH 373 216/378 F1964 40:41 13:06 Nancy Wawrzkiewicz 45 F 263 Rochester NH 374 217/378 F1964 40:42 13:06 Shannon Marcus 33 F 219 Somersworth NH 375 218/378 F1964 40:51 13:09 Tracey Collins 37 F 325 Rochestert NH 376 37/78 F0112 40:51 13:09 Katherine Coble 11 F 326 Rochester NH 377 35/61 M0112 40:55 13:11 Ollie Stevens 7 M 771 Dover NH 378 219/378 F1964 40:56 13:11 Jessica Richardson 40 F 203 Dover NH 379 11/20 F1318 40:57 13:11 Michelle Dionne 13 F 571 Madbury NH 380 59/81 M1964 40:58 13:12 Michael Fogarty 51 M 526 Barrington NH 381 220/378 F1964 41:23 13:20 Rabia Karatela 37 F 842 Barrington RI 382 221/378 F1964 41:29 13:22 Lauren Adams 34 F 291 Somersworth NH 383 222/378 F1964 41:29 13:22 Maura Trafton 39 F 253 Dover NH 384 223/378 F1964 41:30 13:22 Kathie Routhier 54 F 234 Dover NH 385 36/61 M0112 42:00 13:32 Tyler Montecalvo 4 M 672 Dover NH 386 60/81 M1964 42:05 13:33 Mike Dellorusso 36 M 417 Dover NH 387 37/61 M0112 42:32 13:42 Emerson Campbell 8 M 444 Durham NH 388 224/378 F1964 42:33 13:42 Alix Campbell 40 F 443 Durham NH 389 225/378 F1964 42:34 13:43 Shelly Vetter 34 F 354 Eliot ME 390 226/378 F1964 42:36 13:43 Carol Kennedy 59 F 357 Dover NH 391 38/61 M0112 42:41 13:45 Daniel Spargo 8 M 596 Dover NH 392 227/378 F1964 42:42 13:45 Jennifer Spargo 42 F 595 Dover NH 393 39/61 M0112 42:53 13:48 William Courtland 5 M 653 Durham NH 394 38/78 F0112 43:01 13:51 Julia Harding 10 F 728 Durham NH 395 228/378 F1964 43:02 13:51 Laura Harding 44 F 727 Durham NH 396 229/378 F1964 43:04 13:52 Erin Chamberlain 35 F 247 Epping NH 397 230/378 F1964 43:04 13:52 Angela Harrington 32 F 248 Epping NH 398 231/378 F1964 43:07 13:53 Elizabeth Harrington 60 F 298 Rochester NH 399 61/81 M1964 43:08 13:53 John Pike 57 M 434 Dover NH 400 62/81 M1964 43:08 13:53 Bob Cote 27 M 439 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 9 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 401 232/378 F1964 43:16 13:56 Leighann Bauer 42 F 278 Dover NH 402 233/378 F1964 43:18 13:56 Laura Clebak 35 F 256 Dover NH 403 234/378 F1964 43:21 13:58 Victoria Courtland 40 F 651 Durham NH 404 39/78 F0112 43:22 13:58 Jessamyn Courtland 6 F 652 Durham NH 405 40/78 F0112 43:32 14:01 Madyson Ferris 11 F 511 Rochester NH 406 41/78 F0112 43:34 14:02 Charlatte Morin 8 F 867 Dover NH 407 235/378 F1964 43:34 14:02 Ellen Morin 36 F 866 Dover NH 408 236/378 F1964 43:39 14:03 Ann Rash 50 F 572 Berwick ME 409 237/378 F1964 43:49 14:07 Mary Ferris 37 F 510 Rochester NH 410 4/6 M6599 43:52 14:07 Frank Smas 70 M 267 Dover NH 411 238/378 F1964 43:55 14:08 Teresa Hinsman 48 F 856 Rollinsford NH 412 239/378 F1964 44:07 14:12 Kirsten Cunningham 29 F 258 Lebanon ME 413 240/378 F1964 44:07 14:12 Becky Patten 38 F 254 Somersworth NH 414 241/378 F1964 44:11 14:13 Terry Harrington 60 F 355 Salisbury MA 415 242/378 F1964 44:13 14:14 Bonnie Downing 55 F 307 Dover NH 416 40/61 M0112 44:25 14:18 Peter Ciotti 9 M 711 Dover NH 417 243/378 F1964 44:25 14:18 Paula Ciotti 46 F 709 Dover NH 418 41/61 M0112 44:27 14:19 Brendan Cox 8 M 280 Dover NH 419 244/378 F1964 44:33 14:21 Debby Brown 55 F 240 Dover NH 420 245/378 F1964 44:57 14:28 Ellen Christopher 22 F 611 Dover NH 421 246/378 F1964 44:57 14:28 Kassie Dubois 24 F 488 Epping NH 422 247/378 F1964 44:58 14:29 Janet Cray 53 F 270 Barrington NH 423 42/78 F0112 45:08 14:32 Elizabeth Ford 5 F 408 Andover MA 424 63/81 M1964 45:08 14:32 Wil Boc 62 M 405 Dover NH 425 248/378 F1964 45:08 14:32 Carol Boc 58 F 404 Dover NH 426 249/378 F1964 45:19 14:35 Jacqueline Brisebois 63 F 202 York ME 427 250/378 F1964 45:19 14:35 Amy Sherwood 39 F 201 Amesbury MA 428 251/378 F1964 45:24 14:37 Carissa Niland 24 F 212 Rochester NH 429 43/78 F0112 45:32 14:40 Brayden Reed 7 F 726 Dover NH 430 252/378 F1964 45:33 14:40 Debbie Reed 44 F 721 Dover NH 431 64/81 M1964 45:42 14:43 Aaron Fournier 32 M 835 Dover NH 432 44/78 F0112 45:42 14:43 Astrid Malonso 6 F 833 Dover NH 433 42/61 M0112 45:45 14:44 Michael Willett 9 M 770 Dover NH 434 253/378 F1964 45:46 14:44 Lisa Keslar 42 F 321 Durham NH 435 45/78 F0112 45:58 14:48 Lily McGovern 6 F 795 Dover NH 436 46/78 F0112 45:59 14:48 Grace McGovern 9 F 792 Dover NH 437 65/81 M1964 45:59 14:48 Ken McGovern 42 M 798 Dover NH 438 254/378 F1964 45:59 14:48 Bonnie McGovern 41 F 793 Dover NH 439 255/378 F1964 46:15 14:54 Sharon Buckley 57 F 294 Dover NH 440 47/78 F0112 46:15 14:54 Alison Ford 4 F 409 Andover MA 441 1/6 F6599 46:17 14:54 Phyllis Kraunz 66 F 750 Dover NH 442 2/6 F6599 46:17 14:54 Dianne Dean 68 F 749 S.Berwick ME 443 256/378 F1964 46:23 14:56 Jennifer Graves 34 F 658 Somersworth NH 444 43/61 M0112 46:30 14:58 Alex Gagnon 4 M 829 Dover NH 445 257/378 F1964 46:30 14:58 Alissa Gagnon 30 F 826 Dover NH 446 258/378 F1964 46:39 15:01 Amy Pnchak 36 F 789 North Berwick ME 447 259/378 F1964 46:55 15:06 Kimberly Pillsbury 49 F 545 North Berwick ME 448 260/378 F1964 46:58 15:07 Britta Ayer 38 F 293 Dover NH 449 48/78 F0112 46:59 15:08 Sophie Ayer 8 F 752 Dover NH 450 261/378 F1964 47:05 15:10 Abby Hughes 33 F 491 Newmarket NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 10 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 451 262/378 F1964 47:07 15:10 Peggy Engroff 64 F 489 Patten ME 452 66/81 M1964 47:08 15:10 Dan Engroff 36 M 926 Bow NH 453 5/6 M6599 47:08 15:11 Dick Engroff 65 M 490 Patten ME 454 49/78 F0112 47:12 15:12 Susan Burnap 9 F 784 Strafford NH 455 44/61 M0112 47:13 15:12 Quinn Houlahan 9 M 636 Dover NH 456 263/378 F1964 47:19 15:14 Donna Peterson 42 F 457 Dover NH 457 50/78 F0112 47:19 15:14 Searra Geanoulis 8 F 458 Dover NH 458 51/78 F0112 47:21 15:15 Cassandra Corman 8 F 208 Dover NH 459 264/378 F1964 47:21 15:15 Trish Clark 57 F 314 Dover NH 460 52/78 F0112 47:24 15:16 Kaylee Coman 5 F 862 Dover NH 461 265/378 F1964 47:25 15:16 Lisa Corman 35 F 207 Dover NH 462 53/78 F0112 47:32 15:18 Emily Burnap 6 F 782 Strafford NH 463 54/78 F0112 47:33 15:19 Casey Houlahan 8 F 637 Dover NH 464 55/78 F0112 47:33 15:19 Morgan Burnap 8 F 783 Strafford NH 465 266/378 F1964 47:34 15:19 Mae Burnap 35 F 781 Stratham NH 466 56/78 F0112 47:37 15:20 Megan Lang 11 F 807 Rochester NH 467 267/378 F1964 47:37 15:20 Tammy Lang 43 F 697 Rochester NH 468 67/81 M1964 47:38 15:20 Rob Lang 40 M 698 Rochester NH 469 268/378 F1964 47:38 15:20 Meghan Houlahan 37 F 635 Dover NH 470 269/378 F1964 47:42 15:21 Cindy Breen 47 F 593 Dover NH 471 45/61 M0112 47:47 15:23 William Marchesi 10 M 283 Dover NH 472 46/61 M0112 47:49 15:24 Tyler Hughes 5 M 624 Dover NH 473 270/378 F1964 47:50 15:24 Jennifer Conway 28 F 623 Dover NH 474 68/81 M1964 47:57 15:26 Donald Marchesi 42 M 281 Dover NH 475 57/78 F0112 47:57 15:26 Sophia Marchesi 8 F 284 Dover NH 476 12/20 F1318 48:06 15:29 Laura Sprague 16 F 600 Dover NH 477 271/378 F1964 48:06 15:29 Kathleen Willette 47 F 599 Dover NH 478 58/78 F0112 48:09 15:30 Abigial Reed 9 F 725 Dover NH 479 272/378 F1964 48:17 15:33 Joy Adler 62 F 642 Dover NH 480 59/78 F0112 48:19 15:34 Olivia Marchesi 3 F 285 Dover NH 481 273/378 F1964 48:20 15:34 Aimee Marchesi 37 F 282 Dover NH 482 274/378 F1964 48:20 15:34 Jen Keilty 43 F 857 Dover NH 483 60/78 F0112 48:21 15:34 Maya Keilty 3 F 858 Dover NH 484 275/378 F1964 48:27 15:36 Marianne Eldridge 48 F 619 Dover NH 485 276/378 F1964 48:37 15:39 Maggie Fogarty 46 F 925 Dover NH 486 277/378 F1964 48:38 15:40 Michele Holt-Shannon 44 F 209 Dover NH 487 278/378 F1964 48:55 15:45 Kathleen Males 60 F 412 Dover NH 488 279/378 F1964 48:55 15:45 Katie Males 27 F 751 Dover NH 489 280/378 F1964 48:58 15:46 Kerri Merrill 40 F 269 Dover NH 490 13/13 M1318 48:59 15:46 Bailey Merrill 16 M 268 Dover NH 491 281/378 F1964 49:13 15:51 Diane Hoyt 51 F 827 Rochester NH 492 47/61 M0112 49:13 15:51 Kyle Ramsch 7 M 828 Dover NH 493 69/81 M1964 49:24 15:54 Jon Saddler 41 M 812 Farmington NH 494 282/378 F1964 49:24 15:54 Lisa Saddler 38 F 813 Farmington NH 495 70/81 M1964 49:35 15:58 Mark Pillsbury 52 M 448 Rochester NH 496 283/378 F1964 49:35 15:58 Claire Thomas 63 F 447 Rochester NH 497 284/378 F1964 49:40 16:00 Christine Chaput 46 F 388 Nottingham NH 498 285/378 F1964 49:44 16:01 Carol Marino 51 F 353 Newfields NH 499 286/378 F1964 49:44 16:01 Lisa Nash 43 F 367 Dover NH 500 287/378 F1964 49:51 16:03 Meg Munson 50 F 467 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 11 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 501 288/378 F1964 49:51 16:03 Amanda Parkhurst 26 F 466 Dover NH 502 289/378 F1964 49:52 16:03 Doreen Munson 52 F 455 Dover NH 503 290/378 F1964 49:52 16:03 Michelle Munson 26 F 454 Dover NH 504 291/378 F1964 49:54 16:04 Kathleen Haight 50 F 735 Dover NH 505 292/378 F1964 49:54 16:04 Diane Day 49 F 475 Dover NH 506 71/81 M1964 49:55 16:04 Allan Keans 59 M 918 Dover NH 507 293/378 F1964 49:56 16:05 Ann Goodwin 58 F 553 Dover NH 508 48/61 M0112 50:20 16:12 Mitchell Shuman 12 M 365 Durham NH 509 61/78 F0112 50:21 16:13 Emily Shuman 9 F 364 Durham NH 510 294/378 F1964 50:29 16:15 Jolene Shuman 45 F 361 Dover NH 511 72/81 M1964 50:29 16:15 Kenneth Shuman 45 M 474 Durham NH 512 295/378 F1964 51:07 16:27 Robin Arsenault 47 F 774 Dover NH 513 296/378 F1964 51:07 16:27 Kathie Bolduc 45 F 772 Mechanic Falls ME 514 297/378 F1964 51:10 16:29 Sandra Fields 48 F 551 Rochester NH 515 49/61 M0112 51:11 16:29 Michael Perez 12 M 552 Rochester NH 516 298/378 F1964 51:15 16:30 Corinne Moore 42 F 550 Dover NH 517 62/78 F0112 51:17 16:31 Molly Mahoney 7 F 327 Dover NH 518 299/378 F1964 51:37 16:37 Kristin St.Hilaire 37 F 785 Rollinsford NH 519 50/61 M0112 51:38 16:37 Nate Burnett 7 M 837 Rollinsford NH 520 300/378 F1964 51:44 16:39 Lindsay Conway 30 F 614 Dover NH 521 51/61 M0112 51:44 16:39 Colby Conway 6 M 615 Dover NH 522 3/6 F6599 51:46 16:40 Cecilia Arsenault 74 F 773 Rumford ME 523 301/378 F1964 51:46 16:40 Karen Chrisom 46 F 775 Dover NH 524 302/378 F1964 52:02 16:45 Sheila McDonough 63 F 463 Dover NH 525 63/78 F0112 52:03 16:45 Hannah Flagg 5 F 465 Manchester NH 526 64/78 F0112 52:03 16:46 Sydney Flagg 4 F 464 Manchester NH 527 73/81 M1964 52:05 16:46 Thomas McDonough 63 M 462 Dover NH 528 13/20 F1318 52:20 16:51 Jennifer Obrien 13 F 336 Hampton NH 529 303/378 F1964 52:20 16:51 Virginia Obrien 61 F 334 Hampton NH 530 304/378 F1964 52:22 16:52 Jennifer McClelland 32 F 681 Hampton NH 531 305/378 F1964 52:23 16:52 Tricia Jerrick 34 F 682 Hampton NH 532 306/378 F1964 52:23 16:52 Laura Horan 60 F 917 Dover NH 533 74/81 M1964 52:24 16:52 Patrick Horan 60 M 916 Dover NH 534 307/378 F1964 52:25 16:52 Heather Mason 44 F 335 Hampton NH 535 308/378 F1964 52:35 16:56 Ashley Moody 25 F 825 Rochester NH 536 309/378 F1964 52:36 16:56 Erica Brown 35 F 893 Dover NH 537 310/378 F1964 52:36 16:56 Zoe Daboul 35 F 238 Portsmouth NH 538 75/81 M1964 52:37 16:56 Armand Frigan 42 M 892 Dover NH 539 76/81 M1964 52:38 16:57 Michael Daboul 37 M 239 Portsmouth NH 540 311/378 F1964 52:38 16:57 Jennifer Dearborn 35 F 848 Rochester NH 541 312/378 F1964 52:39 16:57 Susan Bennett 56 F 586 Rochester NH 542 313/378 F1964 52:40 16:57 Stephanie Higgins 35 F 516 Milton NH 543 52:47 17:00 Elena Poirier F 472 Rochester NH 544 77/81 M1964 52:47 17:00 Jeremy Fuller 32 M 390 Union NH 545 314/378 F1964 52:55 17:02 Lydia Travis 25 F 680 Lee NH 546 52/61 M0112 52:56 17:03 Alec Willett 12 M 768 Dover NH 547 315/378 F1964 52:58 17:03 Jamie Willett 41 F 766 Dover NH 548 53/61 M0112 52:58 17:03 Mathew Clement 8 M 630 Dover NH 549 316/378 F1964 52:59 17:03 Lynne Clement 45 F 628 Dover NH 550 14/20 F1318 52:59 17:04 Katherine Clement 13 F 629 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 12 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 551 4/6 F6599 53:00 17:04 Barbara Saimond 65 F 767 Dover NH 552 317/378 F1964 53:06 17:06 Maryellen McCarthy 64 F 525 Dover NH 553 54/61 M0112 53:08 17:07 Xander Quinn 6 M 237 Greenland NH 554 318/378 F1964 53:17 17:09 Jeanne Quinn 44 F 236 Greenland NH 555 319/378 F1964 53:18 17:10 Sarah McCain 33 F 764 Portsmouth NH 556 320/378 F1964 53:18 17:10 Deb McCain 58 F 765 Exeter NH 557 321/378 F1964 53:19 17:10 Cindy Wallace 63 F 333 Londonderry NH 558 65/78 F0112 53:23 17:11 Brianna Streeter 7 F 543 Dover NH 559 322/378 F1964 53:23 17:11 Katherine Streeter 40 F 540 Dover NH 560 323/378 F1964 53:24 17:11 Katherine Gilchrest 32 F 708 Dover NH 561 66/78 F0112 53:27 17:13 Catarina Priolo 12 F 738 Farmington NH 562 324/378 F1964 53:28 17:13 Donna Priolo 34 F 737 Farmington NH 563 325/378 F1964 53:31 17:14 Debbie McCann 41 F 534 Dover NH 564 326/378 F1964 53:33 17:14 Kathy Wotton 47 F 622 Dover NH 565 327/378 F1964 53:34 17:15 Mary Keans 56 F 919 Dover NH 566 328/378 F1964 53:34 17:15 Susan Rhodes 50 F 602 Rye NH 567 329/378 F1964 53:34 17:15 Jane Mulligan 58 F 589 Lebanon ME 568 15/20 F1318 53:36 17:16 Delaney McCann 16 F 535 Dover NH 569 16/20 F1318 53:37 17:16 Molly Wotton 16 F 625 Dover NH 570 330/378 F1964 53:48 17:19 Susan Graves 48 F 479 Dover NH 571 53:48 17:19 Cameron Mitchell 5 816 Dover NH 572 331/378 F1964 53:48 17:19 Kelly Duval 45 F 659 Dover NH 573 53:49 17:20 Tara Mitchell 30 815 Dover NH 574 17/20 F1318 53:50 17:20 Taylor Mikenas 16 F 696 Dover NH 575 332/378 F1964 53:50 17:20 Sarah McCain 29 F 690 Dover NH 576 53:52 17:21 Dana Mitchell 56 814 Dover NH 577 333/378 F1964 53:54 17:21 Julianne D'Angelo 41 F 303 Rollinsford NH 578 334/378 F1964 53:55 17:22 Jessica Roy 32 F 305 Dover NH 579 67/78 F0112 53:57 17:22 Sarah Barrer 11 F 705 Somersworth NH 580 335/378 F1964 54:09 17:26 Jackie Karl 59 F 888 Dover NH 581 5/6 F6599 54:09 17:26 Dorothy Goodridge 66 F 887 Dover NH 582 336/378 F1964 54:21 17:30 Annmarie Plante 29 F 868 Rochester NH 583 337/378 F1964 54:21 17:30 Linda Every 55 F 449 Portsmouth NH 584 338/378 F1964 54:27 17:32 Donna Dowd 58 F 308 Gloucester MA 585 68/78 F0112 54:46 17:38 Maddy Johnston 8 F 503 Dover NH 586 69/78 F0112 55:08 17:45 Emily Lavoie 7 F 648 Newmarket NH 587 339/378 F1964 55:08 17:45 Catrina Lavoie 28 F 647 Newmarket NH 588 55/61 M0112 55:16 17:48 Will Maher 8 M 748 Madbury NH 589 78/81 M1964 55:25 17:50 Bill Maher 50 M 746 Madbury NH 590 56/61 M0112 55:45 17:57 Justin Holt 8 M 373 Dover NH 591 340/378 F1964 55:48 17:58 Brandy Houle 34 F 507 Farmington NH 592 70/78 F0112 55:48 17:58 Lucy Anderson 8 F 724 Dover NH 593 341/378 F1964 55:50 17:59 Nancy Rossiter 61 F 506 Somersworth NH 594 71/78 F0112 55:53 17:59 Scarlett Anderson 5 F 723 Dover NH 595 342/378 F1964 55:54 18:00 Melissa Stevens 41 F 265 Dover NH 596 343/378 F1964 55:55 18:00 Jeannette McDonald 62 F 703 Hampton NH 597 72/78 F0112 55:56 18:01 Sasha MacKenzie 7 F 251 Andover NH 598 344/378 F1964 56:00 18:02 Annie MacKenzie 40 F 250 Andover NH 599 345/378 F1964 56:11 18:06 Lauren Harris 39 F 352 Dover NH 600 73/78 F0112 56:12 18:06 Elle Harris 7 F 824 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 13 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 601 74/78 F0112 56:21 18:09 Darby Wilson 8 F 719 Pelham NH 602 346/378 F1964 56:22 18:09 Paulina Wilson 44 F 717 Pelham NH 603 347/378 F1964 56:49 18:18 Heather Cote 32 F 476 South Portland ME 604 348/378 F1964 56:49 18:18 Diane Reilly 55 F 477 Rochester NH 605 349/378 F1964 56:53 18:19 Lindsay Reilly 28 F 478 Newmarket NH 606 350/378 F1964 57:14 18:26 Danielle Carrier 35 F 590 Rochester NH 607 351/378 F1964 57:14 18:26 Brenda Lee 48 F 702 Dover NH 608 352/378 F1964 57:14 18:26 Jeannine Labranche 42 F 518 Milton NH 609 79/81 M1964 57:36 18:33 Robert Johnston 41 M 501 Dover NH 610 57/61 M0112 57:37 18:33 Riley Johnston 6 M 504 Dover NH 611 57:39 18:34 Danielle Holt F 371 Dover NH 612 75/78 F0112 57:39 18:34 Alexandra Holt 7 F 372 Dover NH 613 353/378 F1964 58:01 18:41 Michelle Matthews 44 F 603 South Berwick ME 614 354/378 F1964 58:02 18:41 Anita Paul 45 F 568 Eliot ME 615 355/378 F1964 58:02 18:41 Raymah Morgridge 64 F 569 South Berwick ME 616 356/378 F1964 58:02 18:41 Denise Lozier 44 F 514 Rochester NH 617 76/78 F0112 58:04 18:42 Emma Richards 10 F 715 Barr NH 618 357/378 F1964 58:04 18:42 Desiree Guttadauro 27 F 689 Dover NH 619 18/20 F1318 58:04 18:42 Abby Richards 15 F 714 Barrington NH 620 19/20 F1318 58:05 18:42 Ashley Silver 16 F 692 Dover NH 621 358/378 F1964 58:49 18:56 Cindy Barrer 55 F 704 Somersworth NH 622 359/378 F1964 59:14 19:04 Deborah Donohue 46 F 673 Manchester NH 623 360/378 F1964 59:16 19:05 Kara McCarty 19 F 922 Manchester NH 624 80/81 M1964 59:30 19:09 Sean Houlahan 38 M 634 Dover NH 625 58/61 M0112 59:30 19:09 Ryan Houlahan 6 M 638 Dover NH 626 361/378 F1964 59:44 19:14 Sandra Brown 22 F 399 Rochester NH 627 6/6 M6599 59:46 19:15 James Brown 74 M 400 Rochester NH 628 362/378 F1964 59:47 19:15 Victoria Arel 52 F 394 Gonic NH 629 81/81 M1964 59:48 19:15 Stephen Lisowski 22 M 398 Gonic NH 630 363/378 F1964 59:49 19:15 Amanda Arel 28 F 395 Gonic NH 631 364/378 F1964 59:49 19:15 Amelia Arel 22 F 396 Gonic NH 632 20/20 F1318 59:59 19:19 Amanda Coreau 17 F 693 Dover NH 633 365/378 F1964 1:00:11 19:23 Stacey Robertson 32 F 621 Dover NH 634 366/378 F1964 1:00:12 19:23 Anne Belakonis 31 F 891 Dover NH 635 367/378 F1964 1:00:12 19:23 Christine Harrington 43 F 531 Portsmouth NH 636 368/378 F1964 1:00:13 19:23 Jamie Kinsley 45 F 801 Barrington NH 637 59/61 M0112 1:00:15 19:24 Griffen Nedelka 4 M 761 Dover NH 638 6/6 F6599 1:00:39 19:32 Linda Melton 67 F 583 North Prairie WI 639 77/78 F0112 1:00:40 19:32 Isabel Melton 10 F 311 Dover NH 640 369/378 F1964 1:00:40 19:32 Christine Melton 40 F 584 Concord NH 641 370/378 F1964 1:00:40 19:32 Jacqueline Melton 21 F 739 Concord NH 642 60/61 M0112 1:00:41 19:32 Avery Spurr 7 M 330 Dover NH 643 61/61 M0112 1:00:41 19:32 Elliot Spurr 10 M 329 Dover NH 644 371/378 F1964 1:00:41 19:32 Brook Spurr 39 F 328 Dover NH 645 372/378 F1964 1:00:41 19:32 Jeanne Melton 39 F 310 Dover NH 646 373/378 F1964 1:02:35 20:09 Jennifer Blosser 39 F 722 Dover NH 647 374/378 F1964 1:03:57 20:35 Ashley Williams 21 F 745 Madbury NH 648 78/78 F0112 1:03:58 20:36 Gabrielle Maher 4 F 747 Madbury NH 649 375/378 F1964 1:09:29 22:22 Thalia Glidden 38 F 524 Somersworth NH 650 376/378 F1964 1:09:30 22:23 Chayna Drapeau 30 F 523 Somersworth NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM Page 14 Moms on the Run 5th Annual Mother's Day 5K Run/Walk May 8, 2011 5 Kilometers (USATF Certified NH07013RF) Dover, NH Timing By: Granite State Race Services (See our Events Calendar) Results Questions: =================================================================================== Place Div/Tot Div Time Pace Name Ag S Race# City/state C/f ===== ======== ===== ======= ===== ====================== == = ===== ======================= === 651 377/378 F1964 1:14:50 24:06 Jean Jensen 54 F 497 Dover NH 652 378/378 F1964 1:14:50 24:06 Kris Longenberger 42 F 427 Dover NH 5/08/2011 11:00AM